2 votes

have a LOST & FOUND sections

sachin , 01.06.2011, 17:25
Response from the site administrator
hotelbeat, 02.06.2011
This could definitely be a good idea. What fields would be required in order to track the lost items correctly?
Idea status: scheduled


Mat, 03.06.2011, 10:55
Our current lost and found book is divided into two sections: what was "LOST" and what we "FOUND". The LOST section is used for guests to walk up or call up and say "I lost my wallet." The FOUND section is used when our houseman is cleaning up the pool area and he finds a t-shirt.

We include: Date, Location/Room #/Res #, and Details of object
hotelbeat, 17.06.2011, 08:08
I'm in agreement that this feature should exist within HOTELbeat. A larger discussion about the internal workings of the Lost & Found procedures needs to be had in order to make this process as simple as possible within Hb.

In addition we should need a way to combine a "lost" item with a "found" item if they were to be entered in that order.

A task should be auto entered into the system to notify you about lost & found items that have never been claimed (i.e. 3months from the entered date, etc...)

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