1 vote

In CALLS, there should be a way to see who we sent tickets to once we've posted the call

mat , 13.06.2011, 07:48
Idea status: completed


mat, 15.06.2011, 13:07
Let me give some more details here, I just talked to Elvin a little about this. On the CALLS page, there should be a way to see if we've submitted a ticket for each, and who we submitted the ticket to. For instance: 102 called, their toilet isn't flushing. Somewhere on the same line, it should say: REPAIR TICKET HAS BEEN SUBMITTED. Then, when the ticket has been completed, this call should be updated from REPAIR TICKET HAS BEEN SUBMITTED.....to......REPAIR TICKET HAS BEEN COMPLETED. That way we can all see what happened after the call took place.
mat, 17.06.2011, 07:44
I like the new system! I would only suggest one additional feature: it would useful if each one said "Repair Ticket #113" or "Clean Ticket #113" instead of just a ticket number.
hotelbeat, 17.06.2011, 07:52
I just added this functionality... Let me know if this helps.

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