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Is there a way to add boxes to assign tickets to specific people via the CALLS tab? Also boxes to choose "property" tickets.

We are using the CALLS tab as the main "home" page. I'd like to be able to create all types of tickets as well as assign them to a specific person from that tab.

Mat Spivey , 03.11.2011, 11:25
Idea status: under consideration


hotelbeat, 03.11.2011, 12:56
Because the CALLS tab is specifically geared toward the Guest requests (and will shortly be rename to Guest Services) all tickets that are opened via this section are automatically Guest specific. If you wish to enter a ticket for the property you can add one via the CLEAN or REPAIR tabs.

As for assigning a ticket to an individual, we are currently in the process of building in that functionality. The larger issue is deciding if a Front Desk role should be able to assign things to Back Office (or other) Roles. Any feedback on this would be great to have.
Mat Spivey, 03.11.2011, 13:11
The reason we wanted the property feature listed above is due to the fact that if we create a property ticket under either calls or repair, it doesn't show up on the CALLS tab nor do we get the follow-up reminders.
As far as the assigning tickets, we are fine with that. For us, it would greatly cut down on walkie-talkie chatter.

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